Friday, March 20, 2009

Obama Nominates Gina McCarthy for EPA Air Office

President Barack Obama has nominated Gina McCarthy, left, to be the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation. Gina McCarthy is currently the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). McCarthy came to the Connecticut DEP from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, where she worked on environmental issues at the state and local level for 25 years in a variety of high-ranking positions.

Just prior to joining the Connecticut DEP, she served as the Deputy Secretary of Operations for the Massachusetts Office of Commonwealth Development, a "Super Secretariat" that coordinates policies and programs of that state’s environmental, transportation, energy and housing agencies. In 1990, Governor Dukakis appointed McCarthy as Chair of the Council to oversee the review of a proposed hazardous waste incinerator in the Boston area. (EPA)

UPDATE: The E & PW Committee approved the nomination on April 23, 2009 to be Assistant Administrator for the Office of Air and Radiation at EPA during a business meeting. The EPW Committee held a nomination hearing for Regina McCarthy on April 2. The nomination was approved by voice vote and now goes to the full Senate for consideration. (Full Committee Statement)

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