Thursday, March 12, 2009

Highlights of $410 Billion Omnibus Appropriations Bill

Highlights of the $410 billion omnibus spending bill funding 12 Cabinet departments and lesser agency budgets for 2009:

Agriculture — $20.5 billion, including a 14 percent boost over 2008 for the popular WIC program that feeds infants and poor women.

Commerce — $9.3 billion, including $3.1 billion to conduct the 2010 Census.

Education — $66.5 billion, a 7 percent increase over 2008 levels.

Energy — $27 billion, including a $765 million, 54 percent hike for advanced energy research.

Health and Human Services — $66.3 billion, including $30.3 billion for health research.

Housing and Urban Development — $41.5 billion, including $24.5 billion for low-income and American Indian housing.

Interior — $10.1 billion, slightly more than 2008.

Justice — $26.1 billion, including a $715 million, 11 percent increase for the FBI.

Labor — $15.3 billion, including a 5 percent increase for employment and training programs.

State — $13.1 billion, a 3 percent decrease.

Transportation — $13.5 billion, plus $53.7 billion in highway and other transportation funding financed mostly through gasoline taxes.

Treasury — $12.7 billion, including $428 million over 2008 for the IRS, a 4 percent increase.

Source: The Associated Press

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