Monday, February 23, 2009

President Obama Nominates Deputy EPA Administrator

UPDATE: Jon Cannon Withdraws. President Obama's nominee for U.S. EPA's second highest post abruptly pulled out of the Senate confirmation process today (3/25/09) because of an investigation into the nonprofit group (America's Clean Water Foundation) where he once served on the board of directors. (NYT, 3/25/09)

President Obama announced his intent to nominate Jonathan "Jon" Z. Cannon, left, for Deputy Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency. Cannon is currently a professor of environmental law as well as the director of the Environmental and Land Use Law Program at the University of Virginia. Cannon has served as senior counsel at Beveridge & Diamond law firm. Prior to joining the University of Virginia, Cannon served in numerous positions within the EPA during the Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and Clinton administrations, eventually rising to general counsel.

Cannon has served at EPA as Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Administrator for the Office of Administration and Resources Management, general counsel, Cannon was deputy general counsel for Litigation and Regional Operations, Deputy Assistant Administrator for Civil Enforcement, Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Office of Solid Waste Emergency Response (OSWER), Acting Assistant Administrator for OSWER, Assistant Administrator for Administration and Resource Management and Chief Financial Officer. Cannon graduated with a BA from Williams College in 1967 and a J.D. from University of Pennsylvania in 1974.

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