Friday, January 23, 2009

Nancy Sutley Confirmed as Chair of CEQ

The U.S. Senate confirmed by unanimous consent the nomination of Nancy Sutley, left, on January 22, 2009 to be chairwoman of the President's Counsel on Environmental Quality (CEQ). AAEA supported the nomination and attended the Senate Environment & Public Works confirmation hearing. Congratulations Chairwoman Sutley. We wish you the best as you guide America towards a cleaner environment. We will do everything in our power to help you on your mission.

Global warming will be Chairwoman Sutley's biggest challenge. She will have a significant role in addressing regulations to mitigate climate change at the same time Congress considers global warming legislation. AAEA supports a cap-and-trade program, which is currently President Obama's recommendation. AAEA does not support a carbon tax. Neither does the Obama administration. We will be recommending a hybrid program made up of a domestic program and an international treaty or treaties that includes the USA, China, India, Europe and other countries. A competitive and market oriented program should be designed to reduce greenhouse gases while enhancing economies.

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