Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lisa Jackson and Nancy Sutley Confirmation Hearings


I met Lisa Jackson and Nancy Sutley today for the first time at their confirmation hearings before the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee. I greeted Ms. Jackson just after her appearance before the committee. She breezed through the hearing and handled all questions from senators very well. I greeted Nancy Sutley in the hallway before her appearance before the committee. Both are very pleasant and approachable. Ms. Jackson is President-Elect Barack Obama's designee to be the adminstrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Ms. Sutley is the incoming president's designee to be chairwoman of the Council on Environmental Quality.

Ms. Jackson fielded numerous questions over a three hour hearing. Her husband sat right behind her. Of course she promised to reverse many of the Bush policies and programs and emphasized that her priorities would be global warming, air pollution, water quality, toxic chemicals, air pollution and hazardous waste site. She pledged to put science first in formulating agency regulations. Ms. Sutley's appearance followed Ms. Jackson and both nominees are expected to be confirmed.

She was chief of staff to New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine (D) and former Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. Ms. Jackson holds degrees in chemical engineering from Tulane University and Princeton University. Nancy Sutley was a Deputy Mayor of Los Angeles for Energy and Environment. (Photo: Courtesy The New York Times)

I hope to develop a productive working relationship with both of them very soon. We live in crucial times and there are many complex environmental and energy issues to tackle. The Center stands ready to make sure that both women are successful in implementing President Obama's agenda.

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