Saturday, January 31, 2009

Center for Environment, Commerce & Energy


By Norris McDonald

I have been an environmentalist for 30 years. The Center is now 24 years old and now global climate change is another challenge on top of the other environmental and energy issues that we have been addressing throughout our history.

We have quite an interesting history that ranges from placing interns at mainstream environmental groups, boat tours, creek walks, litter clean ups, research reports, lobbying, and minority outreach to energy audits, weatherization, furnace replacements, wind power promotion, energy efficiency promotion and water resources projects. It has been quite an environmental journey over the years.

Now with the Obama administration, we look forward to even more and better solutions to our nation's energy and environmental problems. The selection of a career scientist in Lisa P. Jackson as the new EPA administrator is inspiring. The great challenge for President Obama, Administrator Jackson and the Center is climate change mitigation. The Center also looks forward to working on global warming solutions with Stephen Chu as Secretary of Energy and Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. We hope to have a constructive relationship with Council on Environmental Quality Chairwoman Nancy Sutley and former Senator Ken Salazar as Secretary of the Department of the Interior. The Center also hopes to establish working relationships with Susan Rice, U. N. Ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Kirk, U.S. Trade Repressentative and and Melody Barnes, Domestic Policy Advisor to President Obama.

Please also visit our main website: Center for Environment, Commerce & Energy

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