Saturday, December 13, 2008

President Obama Opposes Gasoline Taxes (We Do Too)

It is being reported that President Elect Obama opposes using gasoline taxes to 'force' conservation upon the driving public. We support this position. It would be regressive and destructive to the U.S. economy. Moreover, American technological ingenuity should be sufficient to devise higher efficiencies in our vehicles, buildings, power plants, homes, appliances and other systems.

Click On Image To Enlarge

The Department of Energy (DOE) nominee, Stephen Chu, favors gaoline taxes but will have to follow President Obama's lead. Fortunately, DOE neither implements tax policies nor fuel economy standards. They do handle appliance efficiency standards, even though the U.S. EPA has the better known 'Energy Star' program. Prospective Energy Czar Carol Browner opposes expanded offshore oil drilling. We do too.

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