Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Treasury Dept Creates Environment & Energy Position

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson has created a new position at the Treasury Department and has appointed William 'Billy' A. Pizer, right, to be its new Deputy Assistant Secretary for Environment and Energy. The position was created to coordinate the department's growing role in domestic and international programs addressing environmental and energy concerns.

The new office will be Treasury's focal point for development of policy options to address climate change. The office will oversee international financial mechanisms to support U.S. and global environmental goals. A resource on energy and environmental issues, Pizer spent the past 12 years at Resources for the Future (RFF), where he worked on environmental policy. His last position at RFF was Senior Fellow and Director of Research. Pizer has a Ph.D., M.A. in economics, Harvard University, 1996 and a B.S. in physics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1990.

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