Saturday, August 02, 2008

Center Leads Environmental Group Support For Nuclear Power

The Center was the first environmental group in the United States to support nuclear power starting in 2000. CECE remains the only environmental group in the United States to support nuclear power. Nuclear power is the best technology for producing emission free electricity. It produces no smog forming gases and produces no greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming.

Although largely unheralded by the nuclear industry, unrecognized by the media and vilified by the environmental movement, The Center has been, and will continue to be, the environmental organization leader in promoting this solution to emission free production of electricity.

Our work speaks for itself:

(Select Activities)

Duke Energy Catawba & McGuire Visits and Ameren Callaway Tour (2002)

Visit Yucca Mountain in Nevada (2002)

Tour Indian Point Nuclear Plant & Testimony Before NY City Council (2003)

Exelon Clinton Nuclear Plant Clinton, Illinois Tour & NRC Testimony (2005)

Dominion North Anna Nuclear Plant Visit and NRC Statement (2005)

Tour San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant South of Los Angeles (2005)

Entergy Grand Gulf Nuclear Plant Tour and NRC Public Meeting (2005 & 2008)

Participate in NRC Headquarters Meeting on COL for Duke Energy (2005)

Formation of Nuclear Fuels Reprocessing Coalition (2005)

Signing of Energy Policy Act of 2005 in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Statement at NRC Meeting on Constellation Energy Calvert Cliffs COL (2007)

Tour Nuclear Plants in China (2007)

Tour Nuclear Reprocessing Facility and Power Plant in France (2007)

Promoting Nuclear Power in South Korea (2007)

Environmental Justice & Nuclear Power at Howard Univ Conference (2007)

Environmental Justice & Nuclear Power at Howard Univ Conf (2008) (All Videos)

Videos of Grand Gulf NRC Meeting in Port Gibson, Mississippi (2008)

NY State DEC Public Meeting on FitzPatrick Nuclear Plant Water Permit (2008)

Statement Before Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future (2008)

Photo: Center President Norris McDonald

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