Friday, July 25, 2008

Superlattice Power, Inc Lithium-ion Battery Technology

Superlattice Power, Inc gained our attention when they took out a full page ad in the July 23, 2008 edition of USA Today. We are interested because the lithium-ion battery is powering everything from cars to cell phones and laptop computers.

Superlattice Power, Inc is focused on using its resources and efforts to develop and market lithium-powered vehicles and products for use in residential and commercial properties. Using its technology, the company is able to convert scooters, bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles, cars and even homes and businesses into zero-emission, lithium-powered vehicles and facilities.

The advertisement is aimed at potential investors. The Center is not endorsing the product because we have never used it. We are publicizing it because it sounds like an interesting improvement in an established product.

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