Saturday, March 08, 2008

Verizon Examines Broadband For Climate Change Mitigation

Verizon is examing how broadband can be used to reduce global warming. Broadband is a transmission method where multiple pieces of data are sent simultaneously to increase the effective rate of transmission and can handle a wide range of frequencies that can be divided into channels. Broadband makes it possible to use multiple applications at once, such as email, surfing multiple websites using Windows, Skype webcam and text, editing a blog and uploading videos to YouTube all at the same time. Broadband makes it possible for you to work from home or even run a virtual office from home.

The Verizon Policy Blog has an article by Link Hoewing, Vice President, Internet & Technology Issues, that illustrates the possibilities for the wide adoption and use of broadband as an important tool in addressing major environmental issues like climate change. Mr. Hoewing identifies various studies that describe how broadband can be an effective tool for environmental protection. One study shows how:

"intelligent technologies" that more precisely calibrate energy use; make cars, appliances, buildings, airplane engines, and industrial processes more energy efficient; and assist in reducing the need for energy-intensive travel can significantly cut back on the use of carbon based fuels. Many of the examples in that report rely on broadband and communications networks to produce results.
Another study:

identifies ways in which broadband can reduce or avoid energy use – totaling up to 1 billion tons of greenhouse gas emissions - over the next 10 years.
Hoewing cites other studies that:

point to the positive and significant impacts widespread broadband deployment and use could have as part of the solution to our environmental problems. Indeed, as the strategy for achieving deep reductions in greenhouse gas is developed, it would make little sense to overlook the role of a national and global network that is, even today, changing the way we live, work and play—and how that has fundamentally effected energy usage.

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