Tuesday, December 11, 2007

EPA Chief Stephen Johnson Visits China

From Dec. 10 to 15, 2007, EPA's official delegation will give a first-hand account of their trip through photos and diary entries which will be posted 2-3 times per day on EPA's Web site diary , which will be an account of the official EPA delegation's visit to China and the agency's efforts to foster global environmental cooperation through the Strategic Economic Dialogue (SED). Administrator Johnson will join Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and other senior U.S. officials for the third cabinet level meeting of the SED.

This meeting will focus on integrity of trade, balanced economic development, energy conservation, financial sector reform, environmental sustainability, and advancing bilateral investment. The dialogue waslaunched by President Bush and President Hu in September 2006.

Visit EPA's Trip Diary from China to view daily updates from Administrator Johnson and his staff on their trip to China for the U.S.-China Strategic Economic Dialogue.

Contact: Andrew Wilkins, (202) 564-4355

And see Our 2007 Trip To China

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