Saturday, October 20, 2007

DOE Issues Final Regulations For EPAct Loan Guarantees

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has issued (Oct 4) the final regulations for the loan guarantee program authorized by Title XVII of the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct). DOE’s action will pave the way for federal support of clean energy projects using innovative technologies and will spur further investment in these advanced energy technologies.

DOE has invited 16 project sponsors, who submitted pre-applications last Fall, to submit full applications for loan guarantees. These projects include advanced technologies involving the uses of biomass, fossil energy, solar, industrial energy efficiency, electricity delivery and energy reliability, hydrogen, and alternative fuel vehicles. Projects supported by loan guarantees will help fulfill President Bush’s goal of reducing our reliance on imported sources of energy by diversifying our nation’s energy mix and increasing energy efficiency. (More)

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