Tuesday, June 05, 2007

G-8: China, United States, India & Global Warming

China, India and the U.S. all issued global warming proposals in anticipation of intense discussions of the G-8 Summit meeting this week. All of the plans have been dismissed by critics as posturing for the summit. One thing is certain: commerce is king in the global warming world. Hydrocarbon fuels are the queen. India and China make a good point that alsthough they will be huge contributors to the global warming problem, they did not create it. The industrialized countries have caused global warming in order to become prosperous. China and India want the same prosperity and nothing will stand in their way of pursuing it. Also see Wash Post article on China plan.

USA Climate Change Plan

China Climate Change Plan

India Climate Change Plan

China and India are signatories to the Kyoto Protocol but because they are labeled as a developing countries, they are excluded from the emissions caps. Labeling China as a developing nation is ridiculous. China is ahead of the USA in many areas.

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