Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Center VP To Meet With Asian Development Bank

Center Vice President Derry Bigby will meet with officials from the Asian Development Bank at their headquarters in Manila, Phillipines to discuss including nuclear power as a carbon dioxide emission reduction allowance under their greenhouse gas trading program. The Center was the first environmental group in the U.S. to publicly support the use of nuclear energy as a clean source of power for developed as well as developing countries. The Center is now working to get nuclear power included as a legitimate allowance in greenhouse gas trading programs through our Green Carbon Bank and Carbon Mercantile Exchange.

ADB is currently reviewing its energy strategy. The Associated Press reported that the Asian Development Bank is interested in moving to embrace nuclear energy as a green power source for rapidly expanding Asia. There appears to be some opposition in the bank to adopting nuclear power as an allowance option. The Center hopes to positively influence their decision on this important and clean energy source that can help in mitigating the effects of global warming.

Bigby, pictured above at the People's Congress in Beijing, and Center President Norris McDonald returned from China and Hong Kong last month where they experienced first hand the extremely polluted state of the environment there. As an organization that believes it is critical that Asia develops nuclear energy, the Center is encouraging the bank to support continued development of Asia in a way that does not compromise the health of its people .

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