Monday, March 19, 2007

Center To Visit Nuclear Facilities in China

The Center for Environment, Commerce & Energy has been invited to meet with government officials and industry representatives in China. Center President Norris McDonald and Center Vice President Derry Bigby will visit a research Pebble Bed Modular Reactor at Tsinghua University in Beijing, an economic development area in Weifang and will tour the Daya Bay nuclear power plant outside of Hong Kong in Guangdong Province. They will spend two weeks in April in the People's Republic of China.

They will be joined by Center China Office Director Zhang Xiaoping. The Center established the China Office in 2006 to promote nuclear power in China. We believe that global warming programs must be pursued in China to be seruous about the issue. We are very serious about global climate change and global warming. We will be recommending a "Great Nuclear Wall" for China that will include an accelerated construction plan.

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