Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Center Only Environmental Group Supporting Nuclear Power

Indian Point nuclear plant circa 2001
 The Center for Environment, Commerce & Energy is the only environmental organization currently supporting nuclear power. The Center was also the first environmental group to publicly support nuclear power in 2000. Center President Norris McDonald, right at Indian Point in New York, was the first head of an environmental organization to support nuclear power. He is still the only head of an environmental organization that publicly supports nuclear power.

We are a small but powerful group and our outreach and education on the benefits of fission power in a global warming world are second to none. We have toured many (9) nuclear power plants and Yucca Mountain, presented testimony before the NRC and other government agencies including the New York City Council, spoken at churches and community groups, briefed ministers, intervened in state regulatory procedings, participated in forums, workshops and conferences, met with journalists and spoke on radio programs, worked with coalitions and participated in press conferences.

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